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Solar Energy Information To Help You Get Started

Feb 8


There are so many benefits to solar energy, it's a wonder more people aren't taking advantage of it. The savings in monthly bills, ease of use and reduced carbon footprint make solar energy the optimum choice in this day and age. Read more about solar power and how it can work for you in the following article.

Solar Associates

Reposition your panels during the year as the seasons change. If you must install fixed angle panels, you'll have to make a compromise in between the best angles for summer and winter.

Get quotes from several contractors before signing any solar energy installation company. Just as with any other construction product, it pays to shop around before you commit to a particular company. Check out their reviews online and their standing with the Better Business Bureau. A little research ahead of time can save you a big headache later.

Make sure that any solar panels you put up are actually cost effective. While the installation cost can be dented with government assistance, you need to know how long it will take for energy savings to return your investment. Also factor in that you are not likely to get the same amount of power every single month.

If you cannot afford to purchase a solar energy system for your entire house, consider using it in just one or two spaces. Solar energy is a great option for heating swimming pools for instance, or bringing additional warmth to a cooler bedroom. You can always start small and purchase more later, as your budget allows.

Contact your insurance agent to find out if a solar energy system could be included in your insurance policy. Expect your homeowner's insurance premiums to go up once your system is installed and consider switching to a different insurance agency if you find that your premiums have become too expensive.

Many companies are now allowing consumers to lease solar energy products. This is perfect if you are unsure if you are a good candidate for solar energy or if you do not have the financial means to purchase a solar energy system. Ask your local electric company for suggestions of companies who lease solar energy products.

If you are located in the Northern hemisphere, your solar panels should be facing south. People who live in the Southern hemisphere should install their panels facing north. Putting them in any other way will defeat the entire purpose since the panels will not have a chance to collect a large amount of energy from the sun.

When most people think about solar energy, they think that it has to cost a lot of money, but it doesn't. If you want to use solar energy, but you have a limited budget, you can install solar powered lights in your yard. This is a good way to save energy without spending more than you can afford.

Set up time every few years to clean the areas around your solar panels. These panels don't take a lot of maintenance, but you want to upkeep the area around them so that you lower the potential for issues. Clean out leaves, remove any debris, and test all of the fittings to make sure all is well.

The mounting system of your panels should be adapted to your area. If your home is often exposed to strong winds, earthquakes or even tornadoes, you need to find a mounting system that can withstand these extreme conditions. Contact your local government to find out more regarding regulations on solar panel mounts.

You might have the ability to get a solar system installed very cheaply, or perhaps at no cost at all. The United States government often provides grants to offset the cost of installing solar energy systems.

If you are a business owner, consider solar power for both the cost savings and the positive image it brings to your company. Many consumers are going green in today's society, and they like to do business with companies that are also going green. If you opt for a solar system for your office space, you can take advantage of the cost savings, help the planet, and also let your customers know you have made a green choice that benefits your community.

If you pay too much for electricity and your roof receives unobstructed sunlight for five hours each day, then you need to think about installing solar panels. In this case, it will be a worthwhile initial investment in installation and maintenance.

Considering how much money using solar energy can save you, it's definitely worth looking into further! Hopefully this article has pointed you in the right direction and given you much to go on. Make further inquiries and see if you can't put solar energy to work in your home or office soon.

Solar Associates