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Army Combat Medical 1st Award Badge

Sep 15

The Army Combat Medical 1st Award Badge is awarded to medical personnel in combat that are subject to fire, a requirement that dates back to the Vietnam time. To be eligible to receive this badge medical personnel must directly encounter enemy fire or be exposed to dangerous substances and document their exposure. Furthermore, they should not assist an infantry group.


Combat Medical Badge Combat Medical Badge is a badge for those who have rendered medical assistance. The badge was designed to recognize medical professionals who serve alongside infantrymen in active ground combat. However, there are specific conditions that must be fulfilled in order to earn this award.

Combat Medical Badges are awarded to those who are members of the United States Army who are ranked below Colonel. It is a unique decoration. It was introduced in 1945. Prior to that date the only medical personnel attached with Cavalry or the Armor or Cavalry could earn the award. However, since in 1991, personnel with medical qualifications being assigned for Special Forces have also been eligible for the award.

To be eligible to receive the award Soldiers must have served in combat on the ground in their primary duty area. The award is not retroactive. Soldiers must have been personally present during the war. Additionally, the Soldier was required to have been involved in direct fire during the war to be eligible to receive the award.

Combat Medical Badge Carving is one of the most important tasks that soldiers must complete. The badge has to be cut in a way that demonstrates the expertise required for medical attention in the field. This is not something that is easy and requires patience. But it's well worth the effort to achieve this badge.

Combat Medical Badge is a prestigious decoration awarded to soldiers who receive combat-related medical care. It also awards those soldiers who have made a contribution to combating the enemy. The military developed it to honor exceptional service in the field. It was awarded to warrant officers, officers, and enlisted soldiers.

Medical professionals can get the CMB while working in the FA unit. In order to earn the award, members of the FA unit must engage in active and direct ground combat in which the medic is personally present during that engagement. In addition, the CMB stipulates that the medical soldier perform medical duties when the unit is in active combat and in direct fires.

Army Combat Medical 1st Award Badge carvers need the experience and expertise to create a beautiful and professional looking badge. This badge is an ideal opportunity to honor the sacrifices of soldiers. It shows their dedication to their jobs and to their communities.

Period of qualifying

The Qualifying Period of the Army Combat Medical 1st Award (CMBA) is a period of time that begins on June 1, 2005 , and December 31st in 2006. In this period, a individual serving in the Army must meet the following steps to be eligible as a recipient of the award.

During the period of qualifying, in the period of qualifying, the Soldier must be in the area of enemy fire. This must be confirmed by an officer or a Commissioned officer. In addition, he or must not have been serving in support of an infantry unit. For more information on the qualifying period for the Army Combat Medical 1st Award Visit the Army's website.

A Soldier has to have fulfilled medical duties during the period of qualifying. In this time the Soldier will have been assigned to a combat arm unit (FA). The Soldier must have been able to perform medical duties and be present during an engagement in order to be qualified to be awarded the CMB. In order to be eligible for this award, the Soldier has to be part of an MOS called 68W (Medic) and he or she must be in on the ground during the engagement.

In World War II, combat medical badge recipients were awarded in World War II, the Bronze Star Medal. The Combat Medical Badge was originally only a decoration for one time, but that directive was changed in 1951. Also, it was possible to earn multiple awards of this Combat Medical Badge. In the US Army Medical Department Regiment the regiment has two members who have two stars.

During the Qualifying Period medical personnel should have served in combat units on the ground, such as Ground Combat Arms (or combat aviation) units, for a minimum of four years. Afterward, the CMB has been awarded to Soldiers who served in a brigade size unit. There are specific requirements for those who served during the Vietnam Conflict, Laos, and Korea in the Demilitarized Zone.

DA-level certificate

The Combat Medical Badge is awarded to soldiers who have earned their stripes as combat medical personnel. It is awarded retroactively up to 6 December 1941. In the beginning, this award was only a once-in-a-lifetime award. But a shift in military policy in the year 1951 made it possible to award multiple awards. Two soldiers are currently who have two stars each working in the US Army Medical Department Regiment.

The soldiers who have MOS 18D will remain eligible to earn the combat medical badge. However, they may be eligible to apply for the CIB instead. To request a CIB, the Soldier must make a request through their command chain to the commander of USA HRC.

In order to be eligible for this award medical professionals must be a part of a ground Combat Arms or combat aviation unit and be part of the team. Furthermore, retroactive awards are not authorized to be used prior to the 18th September 2001. Therefore, Soldiers who have MOS 18D awards are no longer eligible.

The Combat Medical Badge is an award given to members of the Army Medical Department at the Colonel level and below. It also recognizes those who provide medical assistance for soldiers fighting. This award first was awarded in 1945, one year after it was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge. The Badge was initially intended to be a once-only decoration, but was later cancelled. The stars are a symbol of several awards. In 1947 the Bronze Star Medal was also presented to the winners.

Removal of the Combat Medical Badge

The revocation of Army Combat Medical 1sth Award Badge can occur for many motives, including an individual's conduct that is not acceptable. The reason for revocation could be being dismissed from service, conviction in the court martial process, denial in a wartime operation, or cowardice. A commander can't strip a soldier of all decorations without a hearing, but he can revoke the decorations if he discovers that a soldier has committed a crime. If that's the case Revocation orders are filed in the commendatory section of the soldier's personal file.

A soldier is eligible to wear the combat medical badge when he is currently on active duty. Veterans who were active prior to 18 Sep 2001 aren't eligible to be awarded it. If you're a member of the Reserve or National Guard, you're not eligible to apply for it.

In order to be eligible for the medal, an individual must be fighting and under enemy fire. To qualify, a soldier must be in combat during an offensive. Also, the service must be non-infantry as well as the medic must have been under attack. The award was previously restricted to that Vietnam War era, which included Vietnam as well as Laos.

The candidate enlisted in the Regular Army in New Haven, Connecticut, in August 1968. The applicant completed his basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina after which he was transferred the Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Then he went on to complete advanced course as medical corpsman at Fort Benning, Georgia. Then, in March of 1969, he was able to complete airborne training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

The revocation of Army Combat Medical 1sth Award Badge has a number of reasons, which include an inability to fulfill the requirements to be awarded the badge. In certain situations the commander of the unit will revoke the award when a soldier does not fulfill his duties according to the requirements. If this happens, the soldier can request an examination from the Army Combat Medical 1st Award Badges authority. The authority will notify the soldier affected in writing.

The Army Combat Medical 1st Award Badge is a highly-regarded award within the Army. It is the highest recognition for an Army medical doctor in the field. Soldiers can earn it by performing medical duties for their unit during an engagement in combat.

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